In my first seminary class in 1992, we were assigned to read the book  Going for the Gold  written by Dr.  Joe Wall on the topic of rewards. Through additional research, I realized that there was debate on the  topic as it is reasoned if we enter into salvation by grace through faith and not of works, how could  God evaluate Christians in terms their words, thoughts, attitudes, and actions?

Going for the Gold, Joe L. Wall
Considering the current  debate and confusion on the doctrine, Dr. Joe Wall, Director of Masters Programs and Professor of  Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology, has written a book that speaks clearly on the subject.

Wall addresses the tough theological issues regarding the doctrine of rewards and does so by directly  considering the major passages.  Wall does not  challenge  the concept of rewards  by figurative solutions to the passages but determines the meaning of the various  passages head-on, providing a summary as to what  the Scriptures plainly teach and its  application to our lives. Wall simply addresses the matter of works when he writes, “… Paul  also clearly teaches that the way we begin the Christian life – that is, by faith – is the way we are  to  continue it (Colossians 2:6).”

The book is well organized as it considers three major sections – The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema);  Rewards or Loss at the Bema; and, the Victory Crowns – with each section containing four chapters. The  book’s title,  Going for the Gold: Reward or Loss at the Judgment  Seat of Christ (Bible Study  Edition),  identifies that with this edition each chapter contains a simple but effective set of study  questions. This writer found that in addition to the topic of rewards, other topics  were addressed which  provide  much value to the reader: a nice summary of the future prophetic program;  the  causes of suffering in this present life; how to invest our lives wisely in this world; and what  the  Bible teaches about how believers will be evaluated.

Sometimes the reader may find the discussion too brief, but this book will serve as an accurate  and clear  introduction to the topic of the Judgment Seat of Christ. It would be an excellent book for assignment in  college courses, for teachers or laymen in the local church, or as an excellent resource for  group or personal study on the topic.

The book is written as an exposition rather than a  grammatical  analysis of each of the passages, which would facilitate its broad use in the local  church or as an  introduction in an academic setting.  I recommend this book for any library, college course,  or church small group.

Serving Him with you until He comes for us,
Fred Chay, PhD
Managing Editor, Grace Theology Press