As a professor and publisher, I often get “free books” to read and review. Many are good, some are bad and a few extremely helpful. What I also notice is that there are trends, phases and cycles in the publishing business. Theological topics and trends seem to emerge, submerge and then reemerge with predicable regularity.
The perennial selections include the most recent take on the Charismatic Movement including all of its interesting twists and turns. Also, the latest attempt claiming the theological high ground on the egalitarian role of Women in the Church has made a recent frontal assault on complementarianism. The foundational issues such as the person of God, Christology and the nature, definition and distinction of the acceptable evangelical views of inerrancy have also come back into favor as new ideas and ideations have been offered for consideration. Of course, there are always new – aka repackaged – books on the Theology of End Times and the perennial Bible Code genre.
These topics are important and the trend line is often predicable. However, as Solomon said – the writing of many books is wearisome to the soul.
But the most important topic has to do with Soteriology. Specifically – What do I need to do to be saved and how do I know that I am saved?
The topic of salvation is ever our most significant topic. Books have been and will be written to clarify this most important theological topic for it is ever a topic that is forever confused and contaminated resulting in corruption of the message of eternal life.
Grace Theology Press and Grace School of Theology believe that our mission is to provide a clarion call to make Christ known for He is the one who offers a love you can never earn and a love you can never lose.
Serving Him with you until He comes for us,
Fred Chay, PhD
Managing Editor, Grace Theology Press