The formation of free grace theology is built upon the foundation of biblical exegesis. There is a new book that reveals and reviews an excellent procedure in exegesis: How to Understand and Apply the New Testament: 12 Steps from Exegesis to Theology by Andrew David Naselli. The praise for the book comes from the Who’s Who in the evangelical exegetical world and in fact the book deserve such high praise.

The book is published by P&R publishers, 2017 (Hardback $39.99) and yes, that stands for Presbyterian and Reformed. The author teaches at Bethlehem College and Seminary. He is an elder at the Bethlehem Baptist Church founded by John piper. Dr. Naselli is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity school but does not allow his theological bias to effect the procedure of exegesis. (Although there is no attack on the free grace perspective, he does downplay the importance of the majority text in the textual criticism section.)

The contents include significant selections regarding genre analysis, textual criticism, translations, Greek grammar and argument diagraming, historical and literary context as well as a concise procedure for word studies. He also has sections that elaborate the importance of biblical theology, historical theology, systematic theology and practical theology. The book includes a scriptural index as well as a topic & author index. It also incorporates an excellent bibliography and glossary of key terms.

This is not a book on the principles of hermeneutics but more on the practice and procedures of exegesis. It has tremendous similarities to other top-flight books on exegetical methodology but he spends more time on diagramming and argument design. I was particularly excited by the fact that he utilizes the syntactical diagraming and the arcing method that was taught by Daniel Fuller. I first came in the contact of this system through Dr. Fuller. It has been made more accessible recently through the writings of Dr. John Piper.

For those who preach and teach the word of God, this book will be a valuable tool that will remind you and help you review your exegetical skills so you can cut straight the infallible and inspired word of God.

Serving Him with you until He comes for us,
Fred Chay, PhD
Managing Editor, Grace Theology Press