Jeremy Vance has been a pastor for over twenty years, most of which have been as a senior pastor. He received his undergraduate degree in Religion with an emphasis in Church History from Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, in 1993. He graduated from Phoenix Seminary in 1998 with a Master of Divinity Degree in Biblical Communication. While in school, he pastored an inner-city church in Phoenix. After graduation, Jeremy led a church in the small town of Watseka, Illinois, for eight years.
Today, he is back in his home state of Wisconsin where he is pastoring at Faith Church in the midsize city of Manitowoc. Jeremy was ordained in the Evangelical Free Church of America in 2006. He also serves on the board of the Free Grace Alliance. He and his wife, Jill, have four children. Companions with Christ is his first published work. With his desire to live and teach the wisdom of God as a good steward of the grace of God, his inaugural book aims to show how relevant the book of Hebrews is to our everyday lives.