Summer is here and so is a new resource you might find helpful. If you are a Calvinist, or know a Calvinist and desire to understand in a simple and clear way what it is you or they believe, let me recommend to you the new booklet by Dr. Charlie Bing. Those who know Charlie know that he loves to preach the gospel, he loves to travel and he loves to fish! (He has finally given up pole-vaulting).

Charlie is an adjunct professor for Grace School of Theology and the author of Grace, Salvation and Discipleship, published by Grace Theology Press. This latest offering is a wonderfully clear and irenic expression and evaluation of the theological system called, Calvinism.

Listen to how Dr. Bing introduces this most important theological topic and system of thought.

“What makes a Calvinist?

Is it the beard,
 the craft beer,
 or The Reformation Study Bible?

Of course, It’s none of that –
 it’s what a person believes.
If you think you’re a Calvinist,
you are on the way to becoming one, or know someone who is,

Maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the TULIP!

So, let’s do that together right now.”

I saw it in a local store—the perfect tulip: vibrant red, blooms all year, and never needs water. But scratch the petals and take a whiff– it doesn’t pass the smell test. It’s not real!

If you are a true Calvinist, you should know what the real TULIP is. It’s how the Reformed Calvinists have chosen to identify themselves based on what the 16th century Reformers taught. Each of the five letters of the TULIP stands for a foundational belief, which I’ll discuss in a minute. But just to be clear, today’s true Calvinist holds to five points. You can’t really be a Calvinist and hold four, three, or two of the points.

I’m not just defining a Calvinist as
 someone who believes in God’s
 sovereign election in salvation (Election is explained in various ways, but a popular definition is that it refers to God’s choice before time of who would be saved). You are a Reformed Calvinist if you believe the TULIP and its view of election.

Maybe you grew up in a church that is Reformed Calvinist in belief and have never really known anything else, maybe you are a recent convert to it, or maybe you’ve heard Calvinistic teaching that made sense to you. Or perhaps you attended one of the big Reformed conferences (although they are probably not called by that name) that have appealed to so many young adults. You saw
a big crowd, had a great worship experience (maybe even with a big-name performing artist), and listened to some popular speakers and preachers.1 Or maybe you read one of their best-selling books or drifted into one of the growing numbers of Reformed churches. Anyway, you feel like you’re right at home with the young and vibrant crowd of the
truly committed. You feel sure that this many sincere people have to be on the right track
of truth, and nobody has raised any red flags about the movement.

You really like the emphasis on God’s sovereignty because it is comforting to know that He is in control of everything in the world and in your life. It humbles you to know that salvation is totally God’s doing. You love being challenged to commit your life fully to the service of our Lord. After all, you want to live a meaningful and purposeful life, not a wasted one. And you really like the consistency and security of a theological system that leaves no ambiguity in God’s dealings with humanity.

But I wonder if you’ve had a chance to examine the core beliefs of Calvinism. If you haven’t, then it’s time to smell the TULIP. The letters, T-U-L-I-P, define their core beliefs when it comes to eternal salvation. Here’s how it goes:…”

1 Some popular self-identifed Reformed Calvinists include Francis Chan, Matt Chandler, Mark Dever, Mark Driscoll, Wayne Grudem, Joshua Harris, Tim Keller, John F. MacArthur, C. J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler, John Piper, David Platt, Sam Storms, Paul Washer, and James White.

This is a simple presentation that will be very helpful in starting a dialogue or discussion about the fastest growing sector of evangelicalism in the USA. You can order this booklet thru GraceLife Ministries.

Enjoy your summer.

Serving Him with you until He comes for us,
Fred Chay, PhD
Managing Editor, Grace Theology Press